go far point的意思

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go far point的网络释义

走远点 ... 这一年我经历了很多挫折 » This year I experienced many setbacks 走远点 » go far point 实测使用面积 » Measuring area ...

go far point的例句

Point one, equality and respect determines how far bilateral exchanges can go.


There are other things horribly wrong with this article, but this one point stood out because, as fallacies go, it tends to propagate wide and far.


"I will not go so far as to say that progress in Iraq from a military perspective has reached a tipping point, or it is irreversible," said Admiral Mullen.


I'm not sure I'd go that far, but I take his point.


I didn't go into the shed very often, because the whole point of it as far as Roald was concerned was that it was private, a sanctuary where he could work where no one interrupted him.


If the point guard core can successfully contribute on both ends of the court, they will go a long way toward determining how far the Lakers go this season.
