A Charity Bazaar的意思

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A Charity Bazaar的网络释义

慈善义卖 ... A Car Accident车祸 A Charity Bazaar慈善义卖 A Christmas Gift圣诞礼物 ...

慈善 ... A Car Accident车祸 A Charity Bazaar慈善 A Christmas Gift圣诞 ...

A Charity Bazaar的例句

Aside from doing a charity relay at the annual Bazaar charity Night, many of them are contributing to society in their own way.


An event, usually for the benefit of a charity or public institution, including entertainment and the sale of goods; a bazaar.


There was a "charity bazaar".


Maple Leaf campus is full of thanksgiving atmosphere in such cold winter, because everyone is holding a grateful heart. The first Maple Leaf charity bazaar finally comes! Hurray!
