A Subtropical Monsoon Climate的意思

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A Subtropical Monsoon Climate的网络释义

属于亚热带季风气候 ...pical monsoon climate 亚热带季风性气候 A Subtropical Monsoon Climate 热带季风气候 ; 属南亚季风气候 ; 属于亚热带季风气候 ; 属亚热带季风气候 A Subtropical Marine Climate 属亚热带海洋气候 ..

属南亚季风气候 subtropical monsoon climate 亚热带季风性气候 A Subtropical Monsoon Climate 热带季风气候 ; 属南亚季风气候 ; 属于亚热带季风气候 ; 属亚热带季风气候 A Subtropical Marine Climate 属亚热带海洋气候 ..

A Subtropical Monsoon Climate的例句

Is a subtropical monsoon climate, four seasons, in moderate temperature, with a clear dry and wet seasons.


A subtropical monsoon humid climate, due to the relationship between the landscape, with obvious characteristics of mountain climate.


A subtropical humid monsoon climate zone.


Chenghai is located in the subtropical zone, a subtropical monsoon climate, warm and pleasant, very hot short, a long frost-free period, the Four Seasons is not clear.


It has a humid subtropical monsoon climate, characterized by warm winter, hot summer, little frost and snow, heavy fog and less-than normal sunshine.


With a humid subtropical monsoon climate, Shanghai has four distinct seasons.
