Action Research Method的意思

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Action Research Method的网络释义

研究法 特别是,行动研究法(action research method)作为一种面向教学现场1,从实践中实施教育、教学行动,根据实际反映进行观测与记录,经过反思修正原先的行动,再继续实施修正后的...

Action Research Method的例句

So action research, as a form of reflective research, provides English teachers with an effective method for improving their professional action.


Once the teacher master the action analysis method, his or her teaching will become a research-centered one.


It's complex and difficult to characterize the action of Internet, so using the simulation method to support the Internet large-scale streaming media technology research has become mainstream.


The current progress in research on endostatin, including its source, structure, pharmacological action, mechanism of action, preparation method, application research and so on, was summarized.


However, with the consummation of feasibility research method people gradually realized the multi-action relation between corporation core competence and project is Paramount.


The main purpose of this study is to explore how to integrate the history of mathematics into mathematics teaching in senior high school. The action research method is adopted.
