Activity choice的意思

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Activity choice的网络释义

活动选择 是以出行链(Tours)的形式进行;没有清晰地表述 出行需求及选择不是目的,而是活动选择(Activity Choice) 的衍生物。 由于多年来实践方法没有太大的变化。

详细翻译 详细翻译>> activity choice 活动选择..

Activity choice的短语

1、 choice activity 选择活动 ; 抉择活动

Activity choice的例句

A choice structured activity (also known as a switch) controls which path the process takes, based on a condition.


Figure 6 shows an example of a receive choice activity called OrderAction.


Earlier in the choice activity section, we mentioned in the example that an OrderSizeFault would be thrown for order sizes that weren't in the range covered by each case element.

在前面的选择活动部分中,我们在示例中已提到,如果订单大小不在每个 case 元素涵盖的范围内,则会抛出 OrderSizeFault 错误。

Mia finds it engaging that she can see pictures of herself doing an activity which gives her a greater sense of choice and loves seeing pictures of her friends and family.

米亚发现她能看到自己的图片在动,这给了她更大的选择自由,她立刻着了迷。 她很喜欢看到家人和朋友的照片。

Now you've created two cases in the Choice activity.


With your goal in mind, whether to lose weight, bulk up muscles, or both, your personal budget, activity level, and even what you like to do should be rolled together so you can make the best choice.
