Address Matching Objects的意思

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Address Matching Objects的网络释义

地址匹配对象组 4.4.4 地址匹配对象组(Address Matching Objects) 45-46 4.4.5 坐标投影对象组(Projection Objects) 46

地理匹配对象 ...包括多个ActiveX控件和可编程的ActiveX Automation对象,以最少的接口通过五大类对象:地理匹配对象(address Matching Objects)、数据访问对象(Data Access Objects)、地图显示对象(map Display Objects)、几何图形对象(Geometric Objects)和实用对象(...

Address Matching Objects的例句

Incorrect objects: Using the address, it is possible to check that methods are being invoked on the desired object by matching to the address on the constructor call for that object.
