American Native Americans的意思

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印第安人 ... American Native American 印第安人 American Native Americans 印第安人 North American Native Fishes Association 北美洲本地鱼类联合会 ...

American Native Americans的例句

The Sam Walton, native Americans, and give concrete expression of the entrepreneurial spirit, is a microcosm of the American dream …


Most of these ideas have some basis in Native American culture, but it is wrong to put them all together and believe that that was how Native Americans lived.


Of nearly 100 Americans recommended to be studied, 77% were white, 18% were African American, 4% were Native American, and 1% were Latino.


The surprising answer is that they are genetically distinct both from today's Native Americans (American Indians) and from the current Eskimo population of Greenland and the Canadian Arctic.


North American indians are native americans.


Bernard Bailyn argues, however, that the "Americans" who encroached on Native American land during the Revolution had been British only a few years before.
