And Its Labour Cheap的意思

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And Its Labour Cheap的网络释义

加之劳动力又廉价 ... 劳动力的廉价 Cheap labor 加之劳动力又廉价 And Its Labour Cheap 寻求廉价劳动力 Looking For Cheap Labor ...

And Its Labour Cheap的例句

Cheap labour may make Chinese clothing competitive in America, but if delays in shipment lie up working capital and cause winter coats to arrive in spring, trade may lose its advantages.


The fact that many of its production facilities are in areas with cheap labour such as southern China has made Hon Hai sensitive to media coverage of its plants and treatment of its workers.


Its companies have also made less use of cheap central European Labour: the region supplies France with only 5.5% of its imports of base and intermediate goods, compared with 18% for Germany.


Since its members include economies such as Vietnam and Malaysia whose supply chains depend on cheap Labour, negotiations were always likely to be tricky.
