Applied Psychology Research的意思

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Applied Psychology Research的网络释义

应用心理学研究 应用心理学研究,Applied Psychology Research 应用心理学研究:教育,Applied Psychology Research : Education ..

Applied Psychology Research的短语

1、 Applied Psychology Research Group 心理学应用研究小组

2、 Applied Psychology Research Methods 应用心理学研究方法

3、 Applied Research in Social Psychology 社会心理学的应用性研究

Applied Psychology Research的例句

His main research fields are Applied Psychology, Social Psychology and Business Communication.


Harris' research is based on feedback from 400 participants and appears in an upcoming issue of the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology.


We have people with backgrounds in applied physics, computer science, economics, psychology, and operations research, so they all have very different ways to think about a problem.


The research, published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, involved two experiments.


The Interdisciplinary Research Center for Applied Psychology (IRCAP), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China.


It is of great significance to lead us to face the trend of cultural research in psychology rationally and carry on the academic and applied studies in cultural psychology.
