Back to the Previous Level的意思

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Back to the Previous Level的网络释义

返回上一级 ... Link to the previous order 历史订单的链接 Back to the Previous Level 返回上一级 Move to the previous cell 移到前一个单元格 ...

Back to the Previous Level的例句

If there's a change in your life that disrupts the habit, go back to the previous level, when you require more focus and energy to make it a habit again.


If the company lays anyone off after the one-year agreement, pay automatically jumps back to its previous level.


Webflow level: That same server-side navigation history also makes it easy to for users to get back to the previous Webflow, or even a previously visited Webflow, when given its name.


When I look back to that previous era, I think that the things from that era, most of the people were very comfortable on a spiritual level.
