But in and outside的意思

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But in and outside的网络释义

但是 ... that I'm sheltered by your heart 我被你的心呵护着 But in and outside 但是,由里到外 I've turned to water like a teardrop in your palm 我就像你手心的泪滴,已化成了水 ...

But in and outside的例句

Now we can install this add-on, use it in our projects, and publish it to the outside world. But first, let's talk about some of the artifacts to gain more understanding of the generated code.


Ironically, such a scheme would have to include Britain and Sweden, two countries that are outside the euro zone but have lots of banking interests in other eu countries.


Not to be too self-pitying (or self-aggrandising), but I hadn't really cared about a woman outside my family since Margie and I had hung up our phones in 1995.


Wal-Mart isn't doing especially well in America but Wal-Mart International is booming. And Wal-Mart is hiring like mad outside the US.


But in this case, it's a room where the walls and ceiling are so far away that sometimes it's possible to believe you're outside.


She had not had the key, no one had had the key, there had not been any one key to the church, but several keys to several different doors, and they had all been left outside in the locks.
