CEO Chief Executive Officer的意思

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CEO Chief Executive Officer的网络释义

执行总裁 ... bps bits per second 通讯传输速率表示单位:比特(位)/秒 CEO Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁 CIO Chief Information Officer 信息主管官 ...

首席执行总裁 CEO Chief Executive Officer 首席执行总裁 DIYer [Do It Yourself]+er 自己动手组装电脑及电脑设备的人 ..

总经理 ceo chief executive officer 首席执行官,执行总裁; 总经理...

CEO Chief Executive Officer的短语

1、 CEO-chief executive officer 首席执行官

2、 CEO - Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官

3、 CEO abbr Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁

CEO Chief Executive Officer的例句

Bill Gates is the Chief Executive Officer, or CEO, of Microsoft.


The business enterprise chief the executive officer's (CEO) people of the community and the concern business enterprise chief executive officer (CEO).


John Smith, the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of this company.


They appoint a chief executive officer (CEO).

他们指定了一个首席执行官(chief executive officer, CEO)。

Maybe you could ask the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) to condescend to him.


Chairman Ratan Tata also hired Carl-Peter Forster, the former head of General Motor Co. 's European unit, as the chief executive officer. Ralf Speth took over as the CEO of Jaguar Land Rover.
