Capital Structure Theory的意思

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资本结构理论 17  资本结构理论(Capital Structure Theory)和股利政策理论(Dividend Policy Theory):研究公司筹资方式、方法及股利政策与公司市场价值关 系的理论(MM理论,Modigliani和Mill...

Capital Structure Theory的短语

1、 new capital structure theory 新资本结构理论

2、 modern capital structure theory 现代资本结构理论

3、 western capital structure theory 西方资本结构理论

Capital Structure Theory的例句

Capital structure theory is one of the most challenge theories in western finance research.


Subsequent article in the Chinese capital structure theory to explore the applicability of, and determined on the basis of the theory in this paper to study the impact of factors.


Modern capital structure theory thinks that the reasonable arrangement of capital structure can decrease capital cost and increase enterprise value.


From the Angle of capital structure theory, it is more important that study listed Banks than unlisted Banks, so this paper serve listed share-holding commercial Banks as research subjects.


Then present an overview of the modern enterprise capital structure theory models, including the MM theory, the trade-off theory, asymmetric information theory.


Cash discharge and enterprise cost have become basic and core concepts since MM capital structure theory was presented in the 1950s.
