Climbing gym的意思

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Climbing gym的网络释义

攀岩馆 如今方斯华将岩壁带到人间,人要攀岩,只要下电梯过两个街口,进入一间攀岩馆(Climbing Gym),就已置身于浑然天成的岩壁之间。

Climbing gym的短语

1、 Krorma Yamato Climbing Gym 水布雅玛托攀岩

2、 Ibex Climbing Gym 平面广

3、 Capital Gym Climbing Center 首都健身攀岩中心

Climbing gym的例句

The prison boasts a state-of-the-art gym, complete with a rock-climbing wall. No word yet on whether there's a class on tunneling.


There are some children on the playground. They are playing games and climbing on a jungle gym.


Everyday, I wake up early to go alone in the climbing gym.


Get up and join in the activities by pushing a jogging stroller, hitting the hiking trails, running the bases, biking the neighbourhood, climbing the jungle gym or swimming in the lake.


They're playing games and climbing on a jungle gym.


Due to team building of Shanghai stadium rock climbing center on 2017.1.19(Thursday). The climbing gym will be closed at 19:30. Sorry for the inconvenience and please reschedule your time accordingly.
