Code Injection的意思

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Code Injection的网络释义

代码注入 Code injection(代码注入)是一种让你在目标进程中注入一段代码的技术,使得代码执行过程被重定向到你自己写的代码上

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代码注入攻击 代码注入攻击(CODE INJECTION)就是尝试在已经存在的 SQL 语句中添加额外的SQL语句或者命令。这种类型的攻击会经常的被应用在微软的SQLServer 应用程序里。

Code Injection的短语

1、 Line Feed Code Injection 换行字符注入

2、 code-injection 注入码

3、 Code Injection Attacks 代码注入攻击

Code Injection的例句

Spring's IOC implementation uses dependency injection to effectively "invert control" from your application code to the Spring container.

Spring 的 IOC 实现使用依赖性注入有效地将控制从应用程序代码 “反转”到 Spring 容器。

I don't want [Dependency Injection] framework code smeared all through my application.


BitDefender detects and blocks attempts to change critical system files or registry entries and warns about attacks performed by code injection (DLL injection).


Again, these setters are framework induced boilerplate code. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could be avoided without the need to use Constructor injection everywhere?


We write flyers about everything from dependency injection to code coverage, and then regularly plaster the bathrooms all over Google with each episode, almost 500 stalls worldwide...


Dynamic code injection.
