Concern about his的意思

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Concern about his的网络释义

关心了解他 ...l estate has become a backbone of our economic development and an important one industry 关心了解他 » Concern about his 礼貌是指人与人在接触交往中,相互表示尊敬和友好的行为规范,是文明行为的最起码要求 » Courtesy is in contact with people ex...

Concern about his的短语

1、 concern his about 关心

Concern about his的例句

I really didn't become interested in him until my parents expressed their concern about his age.


Asking about the divorce might have made his friend feel worse by reminding him of it, and expressing concern could have come across as condescending.


Even this, however, does not give him enough comfort for some things: he does not have an online banking account because of his concern about hacking risk.


On the other hand, his pessimism is a kind of protest in which he expresses the concern about mankind, summon for human nature appeal for humanity and hope for future.


If there had ever been a concern about the renters, Liu's worries disappeared into thin air after his first house inspection.


Nevertheless, something nebulous, preoccupied, vague, in his bearing and regard, marked him as one who probably had no very definite aim or concern about his material future.
