Data Interview的意思

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Data Interview的网络释义

数据访问 ... image rebuilding 图像重建; 图像重构; 图像生成 收藏 rectifying image 纠正图像 收藏 Data Interview 数据访问 收藏 ...

Data Interview的短语

1、 interview data 翻译

2、 Finishing the interview data 整理面试资料

3、 home interview data process 家访数据处理

Data Interview的例句

In the work of demonstration, samples are got from sold cars by an auto company in May, 2005 and data are collected in the way of telephone interview.


"Data has a new lever of value in society," he said in an interview. "We now have robust economies that have grown around personal information and credit CARDS."


Psychological theory and data show that we are incapable of treating the interview data as little more than unreliable gossip.


This paper utilizes consulting data method and expert interview method to discuss the problems of scoring method of undergraduate physical education and to give out some countermeasure.


Given that this was just a short interview, the details about this plan are more than vague, and it would be interesting to know what kind of data Mint might be planning to sell.


"This data is amazingly important from a commercial point of view," Huberman told me in a telephone interview last week.
