Decline steadily的意思

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Decline steadily的网络释义

江河日下 ...再来协商这个问题仿佛过剩,总之,穆所到之处都能让嗜好和不嗜好的人猖獗,而没穆的切尔西(Chelsea)却江河日下(Decline steadily)王小二过年,泾渭分明(Entirely different)是明摆的毕竟。

Decline steadily的例句

Note that the system does not show the battery dropping from 100% until well over an hour of unplugged use, at which point it starts to steadily decline.


The number of these transactions grew steadily over the last year (up 20% from last year), but this was not enough to make up for the simultaneous decline in eBay's auction business.


Sales of printers in ABC company climbed steadily from 6000 to 7000 per month, then showed a decline, dropped to 6500.


Conventional chargers start out at their maximum rated current and steadily decline.
