Drug adverse reactions的意思

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Drug adverse reactions的网络释义

药品不良反应 中药注射剂不良反应分析(1) (论著·社区中医药) 关键词 中药注射剂 药品不良反应 防范措施 [gap=872]Key Words Chinese medicine injection;Drug adverse reactions;Preventive measures

Drug adverse reactions的短语

1、 adverse drug reactions 药物不良反应 ; 药品不良反应 ; 不良反应

2、 Adverse Drug Reactions Journal 例药物不良反应报告分析 ; 破伤风抗毒素皮试阴性发生过敏性休克

3、 Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions 不良反应评价

Drug adverse reactions的例句

The rate of complications and drug adverse reactions were similar in two groups(P>0.05).


OBJECTIVE: To discuss the adverse drug reactions occurred in our hospital.


OBJECTIVE: To study the general pattern and characteristics of adverse drug reactions caused by isoniazid .


Results The reported rate of adverse drug reactions increased significantly.


Unintended, harmful reactions to medicines (known as adverse drug reactions) are among the leading causes of death in many countries.


Objective: To analyze the recent years of traditional Chinese medicine hospital adverse drug reactions (ADR) in clinical drug safety features.
