Edges neatly的意思

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Edges neatly的网络释义

边缘整齐 很高兴你同意接受加我为友 » I am very glad that you agree to accept the I-friendly 边缘整齐 » Edges neatly 他在荡秋迁 » He rendered in autumn moving ..

Edges neatly的例句

The custom designed strap achieves a perfect balance with the case, both featuring strong grooves, the tapered edges of the case meeting the strap neatly.


It neatly addresses a paradox at the heart of all fiction: that the best fabrication seems true; that a make-believe world can be built so intricately that readers feel its edges.


I also took the CAD floor plan and overlayed it on top of the illustration to get neatly poche walls and edges.


Windows snap neatly to screen edges.
