Every why has a wherefore的意思

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Every why has a wherefore的网络释义

凡事必有因 ... Wherefore I Said 所以我说 Every why has a wherefore 凡事必有因 ; 凡事皆有因 Wherefore I threw a penny 因此我抛个便士 ...

凡事皆有因 不满足是进步的开始 Every why has a wherefore. 凡事皆有因 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 空谈不如实践 .

事出有因 Every why has a wherefore 事出有因。 As you brew, so must you drink 自搬石头自压脚。

翻译 ... Eutrombicula alfreddugesi翻译 【医】 阿[耳弗雷杜热斯]氏真恙螨 Every why has a wherefore翻译 凡事皆有因 effective pull翻译 【化】 有效拉力 ...