Expand Product Variety的意思

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Expand Product Variety的网络释义

拓宽产品品种 ... rolled product variety adjustment 品种调整 Expand Product Variety 拓宽产品品种 Increase Product Variety 增加产品品种 ...

Expand Product Variety的例句

We will continue to strengthen production and service efficiency, expand sales surface area, increase product variety, improve product quality in order to meet customer's satisfaction.


Based on the said calculation and related analysis, process parameter optimization is done to expand product mix in terms of size range and variety.


Additionally, we have product approvals underway to expand the variety of USANA products offered in China throughout 2011.


KT has set up its own corporate website, and joined a variety of e-commerce platforms, trying to use this new network of sales channels to expand the area of product sales.
