Experience in Accounting的意思

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Experience in Accounting的网络释义

有会计方面的工作经验 ... 熟练运用MS办公软件,特别是Excel 有大型公司/跨国公司工作经验Experience in large corporation/MNC 有会计方面的工作经验Experience in Accounting ...

Experience in Accounting的例句

Employ a highly qualified accountant, both to understand the accounting standards, but also proficient in the tax law, as well as a very important accounting experience.


She has a rich experience in Merger and Acquisition accounting.


Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation.


Occupational Experience Experience in auditing, cost accounting and taxation.


WANTED: Payroll Manager with BA in accounting, five years of management experience, extensive knowledge of payrollprinciples, and a sense of humor.

要求: 有会计学位的薪资管理经理,有五年的管理经验,对薪资原则有充分的了解,有幽默感。

Research on inflation accounting models in China should save, while inflation accounting research and practice experience of the western developed countries also has a positive significance to China.
