Family Property Insurance的意思

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Family Property Insurance的网络释义

家庭财产保险 4、家庭财产保险(family property insurance) 是以城乡居民家庭的房屋和其他家产为保险标 的的一种保险,其特点是业务分散,承保多种自然 灾害和意外事故造成保险财产的直接损...

家庭财产险 企业财产险 Enterprise Property Insurance *** *** *** 家庭财产险 Family Property Insurance *** *** *** 机动车辆及第三责任者 Motor Vehicle Insurance and Third Liability *** *** *** ..

家财险 ... 永久载人空间站 permanent manned space station 家财险 family property insurance 货币市场基金 money market fund ...

Family Property Insurance的短语

1、 family property savings insurance clauses 家庭财产两全保险条款

2、 Insurance of Family Property 家庭财产险

3、 Family and property insurance 出国人员意外伤害医疗

Family Property Insurance的例句

The family property danger and the repair danger's sales volume is rising gradually, but was still no comparison between them with the life insurance.
