Fellow of the Royal Society的意思

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Fellow of the Royal Society的网络释义

皇家学会会员 1964 年成为英国皇家学会会员( Fellow of the Royal Society ), 1967 年被任命为牛津大学惠特利己生物化学教授和牛津三一学院研究员( Whitley Professor of Biochemistry in the Universi...

学院院士 学院院士 National Academy of Engineering ; BOARD CERTIFIED ; FCSI ; fellow of the Royal Society 外籍院士 Associate Fellow ; foreign associate ; foreign member 杜邦院士 Dupont Fellow ..

翻译 ... fling oneself into翻译 投身 Fellow of the Royal Society翻译 (英国)皇家学会会员 finale翻译 *[fi'nɑ:li] n. 结局, 最后乐章, 终曲 ...

Fellow of the Royal Society的例句

He was at one point a member of Parliament and became a Fellow of the Royal Society.


His Royal Highness has been made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine in recognition of his work in this field.


Karl is a fellow of the Royal Society.


Ruth Padel is a leading British poet, a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and of the Zoological Society of London.


He also became a fellow of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge and, in 1753, was awarded its Dopley Medal for distinguished contributions to experimental science.


In addition, he is a Fellow of the Royal Society.
