From previous experience的意思

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From previous experience的网络释义

从过去的经验来看 ... From what I see here从我这里看到的是 From previous experience从过去的经验来看 compared to the first draft跟你的第一篇草稿作对比 ...

From previous experience的例句

Experience from previous droughts has shown that measles, when combined with malnutrition, is the biggest risk for children, sometimes accounting for up to half of under-five mortality.


And, because there are no previous entrants from whose experience you can learn, it is easier to make mistakes.


'Our experience with previous summits suggests that it is far from certain' that they will translate into reality, Kraemer said.


Having learned from his previous experience, the CEO quickly opened the second envelope.


We know from previous experience that the competition will be very strong, but we are excited and are looking forward to the challenge.


It may seem from previous experience that this refers to myself, but I suspect this is not of real use to her, nor convincing to me, unless it is being manifested in some way in the session.
