Glastonbury Music Festival的意思

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Glastonbury Music Festival的网络释义

格拉斯顿伯里音乐节 英国的“格拉斯顿伯里音乐节”(Glastonbury Music Festival)是世界上规模最大的音乐节之一。音乐节的举办地点位于英国阿瓦隆岛,农场主迈克尔·艾维斯与吉恩·艾维斯于1970年创办。

音乐节 ...事没有非孕育收师正在您原身的灌音棚外,也没有非您的卧房外,而偏师孕育收师正在格推斯顿伯外音乐节(Glastonbury Music Festival)的次戏台上。

Glastonbury Music Festival的例句

Thousands of music lovers at Glastonbury Festival today joined forces to watch England's World Cup humiliating 4-1 defeat against Germany.


Glastonbury Festival is the biggest and most widely known of these festivals, and all the most popular music artists will play here.


The Glastonbury festival, is a British performing arts festival, best known for its contemporary music, but also for dance, comedy, theatre, circus, cabaret and many other arts.


The Glastonbury festival is a four-day-long outdoor music festival and while it is traditionally quite rainy and muddy there, this year was particularly bad.
