Grief Indignation的意思

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Grief Indignation的网络释义

悲愤之水 百度音乐为你提供悲愤之水(Grief Indignation)高品质的音乐享受。

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Grief Indignation的短语

1、 Grief and indignation 悲愤 ; 悲痛愤怒 ; 悲愤填膺

2、 creation of grief indignation 悲怨文学

3、 Grief And Indignation Tears 悲愤流泪

Grief Indignation的例句

After the crash, the damage was difficult family death, feelings of grief and indignation, plainclothes dumb play silly, posted on the door a big dumb characters, not people with words.


The self-humiliation interweaving with disgraceful situation and the integrating of agony with grief and indignation, form his strong tragic consciousness.


Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion - indignation...


Second, his grief and indignation, including a hero's desolation and poverty.


Unwilling to join the evil force, yet having no power to resist, he fell into grief, indignation and depression, with intense contradiction and conflict in his character.


This first song holds the tonality which the tears the SOB resembles, sang the aspiration which the grief and indignation occurred simultaneously.
