Hundred Acre Wood的意思

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Hundred Acre Wood的网络释义

百亩林 ... for High-risk Asian Warzone),结果接手指挥的队长突发脑洞想到了某个女儿喜爱的迪斯尼故事中的地名百亩林(Hundred Acre Wood),于是百亩林的诨名就这么出来了。

百亩森林 他们一起在一个叫作“百亩森林”(the Hundred Acre Wood)的地方有许多伟大的冒险。但他们最最伟大的一次冒险,才正要开始呢…

Hundred Acre Wood的短语

1、 Five Hundred Acre Wood 五百亩森林

2、 the Hundred Acre Wood 百亩森林

Hundred Acre Wood的例句

He will return, his legs a little longer, his hair a little shorter, on a splendid new blue Raleigh bicycle, to a clearing in the Hundred Acre Wood which he left on 11 October 1928.
