In The Recent Period的意思

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In The Recent Period的网络释义

近一段时期 ... recent geological period 现代地质时期 In The Recent Period 近一段时期 In Recent Period 近时期以来 ...

In The Recent Period的短语

1、 in the most recent period 最近一个时期

In The Recent Period的例句

Its sales in those markets fell by 17% in the most recent quarter compared with the same period last year.


Introducing social background of every period of recent years, analysis the characters of street fashion style in every period.


The recent additions took place against a backdrop of a decline in metal holdings in the big gold ETF, GLD and a period of low trading volume in the SLV.


Based on those positions, this paper summarizes the advance of blood flow in complicated artery in the recent period.


According trade publication Advertising Age, in October, the most recent month for which data is available, U.S. AD spending fell 2.5 percent from the year-earlier period.

根据行业出版物advertising Age在10月,是最近一个月内,其数据有效,美国广告开支与去年同期比下降了2.5%。

Research in recent years has established that hunger in the prenatal period and in infancy deprives a child of the nourishment the brain needs to grow properly.
