In addition to this的意思

美 / / 英 / /


In addition to this的网络释义

除此之外 ... 除此之外 = apart from this 除此之外 = in addition to this 除氢作用 = dehydrogenation ...

除了这一件 往前 » Forward 除了这一件 » In addition to this one 毫无疑问,李明的花瓶是件珍贵的文物,它的设计奇特,上面有一些珠宝装饰,有200多年的历史。

In addition to this的短语

1、 in addition to this email 除了这封电子邮件 ; 此外 ; 在这封电子邮件

2、 In addition to this one 除了这一件

3、 in addition to all this 除了所有这一些

In addition to this的例句

In addition to this criteria they have the concept of Defense in Depth.


In addition to this subject, they also taught history and geography.


In addition to this, you must have a separate service installed to be able to write and read data from the TM1 cube.

此外,还必须安装一个单独的服务,以便能从TM 1多维数据集读写数据。

In addition to this, don't forget that HA-licensing is available for all DB2 servers — not just the Enterprise editions.

此外别忘了,对于所有DB 2服务器,而不仅仅是enterprise版,都有HA许可。

In addition to this, a heartbeat sensor can detect whether someone is breaking into the car, or if a child or pet is left inside.


In addition to this automated regression test suite we also do extensive manual testing as well.
