Jeremiah Owyang的意思

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Jeremiah Owyang的网络释义

欧杨格 市场研究机构Forrester Research分析师杰瑞米·欧杨格(Jeremiah Owyang)表示,数十位作者共同创作一部书,要求保持一种思路确实是一大挑战。

杰瑞米·欧阳 ”杰瑞米·欧阳(Jeremiah Owyang),他是研究机构奥特米特集团(Altimeter)的行业分析师。

Jeremiah Owyang的例句

Jeremiah Owyang has some good Suggestions on how to integrate the intern into the team so they understand the strategic big picture.

Jeremiah Owyang有一些好建议,可以帮助实习生融入整个团队,这样他们便可以了解整体状况。

This kind of unified digital communication is the wave of the future, said Jeremiah Owyang, a social media analyst at Altimeter Group.


Well-known blogger Jeremiah Owyang likes to joke that companies and organizations fall in love with social media tools, but forget to build the house.

知名博客作者Jeremiah Owyang喜欢开玩笑说公司和组织深深热爱着社会媒体工具,但它们却忘了建房子。

Things could change, however, if Facebook grows up and becomes a place to do serious business, says Jeremiah Owyang of Forrester Research, a market-research firm.

然而,如果Facebook不断壮大并如Forrester Research(一家市场调研公司)的Jeremiah Owyang所说成为经营正经商业之处,事情也存在着变数。

The reason is fairly obvious, says Jeremiah Owyang, a partner at the Altimeter Group: "People are heading into the weekend so they're thinking about things besides work.

原因非常明显,Altimeter Group的合伙人 Jeremiah Owyang 说:“大家都准备过周末,都想着工作之外的事。

Jeremiah Owyang, a partner at the Altimeter Group, a digital strategy consulting firm, said company-generated lifestyle sites could be effective as long as they did not push the brands too hard.

数码策略咨询公司Altimeter Group合伙人耶利米·欧阳(Jeremiah Owyang)称,只要不是过于推广公司品牌,这类公司推出的生活网站也会受到欢迎。