Leant Against The Chimney的意思

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Leant Against The Chimney的网络释义

身子倚着烟囱 his evil genius, almost as gaunt and ghastly, leant against the chimney.

Leant Against The Chimney的例句

This morning, when I came down, about half an hour before noon, Mr Earnshaw was sitting by the fire, deadly sick; his evil genius, almost as gaunt and ghastly, leant against the chimney.

今天早上,我下楼时,大概还有半个钟点就到中午了。 恩萧先生坐在炉火旁,病得很重;那个恶魔的化身,差不多一样地憔悴、惨白,身子倚着烟囱。