Liverpool Football Club的意思

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Liverpool Football Club的网络释义

利物浦足球俱乐部 利物浦足球俱乐部(Liverpool Football Club)位于英格兰的港口城市利物浦,成立于1892年,是一支英格兰的传统强队,俱乐部的主场是安菲尔德球场,利物浦足球俱乐部有着辉煌的...

俱乐部 俱乐部资料 球名称:足球俱乐部(Liverpool Football Club) 时间:1892-1-1 主服:红色上衣,红色短裤。 第一客服:灰色上衣,灰色短裤。

Liverpool Football Club的短语

1、 I like Liverpool Football Club 我喜欢利物浦足球队

2、 Liverpool Football Club is founded 历史上的今天利物浦足球俱乐部成立

Liverpool Football Club的例句

Zhu Jun, chairman of The 9 Limited and onetime China rich lister, is reportedly in talks to buy the Liverpool Football Club.

据报道,第九城市(The 9 Limited)总裁、一度荣登中国富豪榜的富翁朱骏正在洽谈购买利物浦足球俱乐部(Liverpool Football Club)。

"We don't have any splits here. The players country is Liverpool football Club and their language is football." Gerard Houllier.


Some three decades later, two stadium disasters would affect Liverpool Football Club.


Roy Hodgson said: "Being asked to manage Liverpool Football Club was a great privilege."


(Britain's Liverpool football club, which is half-owned by Mr Hicks, is not held by HSG).

(Tom Hicks个人持有英国利物浦足球队一半股权,但HSG集团未持有)。

Saudi prince Faisal (see photo) said he is close to securing a 50% stake in the Liverpool Football Club.
