Main Idea Type的意思

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Main Idea Type的网络释义

主题思想型 ...GRE阅读介绍及技巧 第一章 GRE阅读介绍 第二章 GRE阅读的技巧 第三章 GRE阅读题型技巧详解 第一节 主题思想型(Main Idea Type) 第二节 事实型(Fact Type) 第三节 推理型(Implied Idea Trpe) 第四节 应用型(Application Type) 第五节 逻辑结构型(Logi...

Main Idea Type的例句

From the comparison to the "property" idea of the main type abroad, we know all kinds of "property" idea theories and realistic rationality and should perfect some aspects.


The undergraduate Cultivating model of "One Principal Type plus Three Secondary Types" with capability as the main line, is a new idea which is brought forward during Dahongying College'exploration.


Then collect the "structure type", and promise yourself you can do 90% right or higher, it is just easy like "main idea and attitude" thing.
