Manhattan cocktail的意思

美 / mænˈhætn ˈkɔkteil / 英 / mænˈhætn ˈkɑkˌtel /


Manhattan cocktail的例句

A Manhattan is a well-known cocktail.


Cocktail parties were convulsed with the news that Marilyn was holed up in Manhattan with the entire Modern Library, and had sworn she would not unlock the door until she was cultured.

所有鸡尾酒会里传播着令人震惊的新闻, 玛丽莲带着所有现代表演艺术知识在迈哈顿闭关了, 而且已经发誓她除非学成不会开门出来.

Here's our recipe for a little cocktail we call the Manhattan Project.
