Market Economy Era的意思

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Market Economy Era的网络释义

市场经济时代 Market economy era, "wealth" concept already thorough popular feeling, "financial" this previously unheard of fresh things also springing up blossom everywhere, bank, network everywhere "finance" this one noun relative "riches" is concerned, many people think that financing is wealth-generating, to make money, is a kind of investment value, only those who turns scrape neither rich nor foresight bounded people need money, not in their certain wealth accumulation when is hard to involve financial actually this is a narrow financing concepts, wealth-generating not the ultimate objective of financial management of financial management goal is to learn how to make money and spend money and tube, make individual and family financial in optimum operation state, thus enhancing the quality of life and grade.

Market Economy Era的例句

Knowledge-based era of accelerating the process of integration into the global economy and the world of high-tech products made from breadth to depth of the market has undergone tremendous changes.


With the arrival of the knowledge economy era, the market enterprises are facing is becoming more competitive.


Along with the trend of economic globalization, financial market integration and financial system securitization, the fictitious economy and knowledge economy Era is coming before we knew.


Therefore enterprises must be highly innovating and quickly respond to the change of market, so as to keep pace with the development of international circulation in intellectual economy era.


Main board market is the production of industrial economy era, it provides financing channel for enterprises in comparatively mature industry.


With the global economy entry into the era of "buyers market", customer more and more become an important enterprise assets.
