Merry Go-round的意思

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Merry Go-round的网络释义

东风破 资料 中文名: 东风破 英文名: Merry Go-round 类 型: 剧情 导 演: 麦婉欣/郑思杰 主要演员: 官恩娜 饰 滥用药物的女孩 周俊伟 饰 药材铺少主 泰迪罗宾 饰 臭脾气的老伯

去变圆了图片 ... Merry Go-Round 去变圆了图片 Merry Go Round Dreams 旋转木马梦 merry-go-round 旋转木马 ; 初恋嗱喳面 ; 木马转啊!转 ; 幻彩旋转马 ...

Merry Go-round的短语

1、 Manhattan Merry-Go-Round 曼哈顿旋转木马

2、 merry go round 旋转木马 ; 旋转的木马 ; 鬼马朱唇 ; 初恋嗱喳面

3、 Merry-Go-Round 东风破 ; 欢喜冤家 ; 欢乐年年

Merry Go-round的例句

Merry-go-round is the most cruel game, chase each other but eternal interval.


There is a danger of an international checklist culture, with world leaders on a merry-go-round of summits that all too often discuss the issues but sidestep their fundamental causes.


He was tired of the merry-go-round of romance and longed to settle down.


“If these I.P.O.’s continue to work, they’ll play them until the merry-go-round stops,” said Scott Sweet, senior managing partner of the research firm IPO Boutique.

“只要类似的公司新上市(IPO),就会有人追捧,直到哪天旋转木马停下来。” 名为IPO Boutique的证券研究公司的一位高级董事合伙人说。

Thee days like a merry-go-round in mind to stop, just too late to wish a meteor, no matter how beautiful it is only once.

日子像旋转木马在脑海里转不停,就像来不及许愿的流星,再怎么美丽也只能是曾经。 。

"It's an accelerating merry-go-round that everyone would like to get off," says Mr Garner.
