Module Address的意思

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Module Address的网络释义

模件地址 ... Time Synchronous 时钟同步 Module Address 模件地址 Project Tree 项目树 ...

Module Address的短语

1、 hardware address control module 硬件模块

2、 instruction address fetch module 取指令模件

3、 instruction address decode module 指令译码模件

Module Address的例句

You can change the endpoint address of an SCA module in the server's admin console.


LMA is the load module address; it signifies the address in the target's virtual memory where the kernel will be loaded.


The bus Invoker module sends the SOAP message to the Web service provider using the endpoint address in the WSDL file.


Use the nm subcommand to get the address of the symbol and table of Contents (TOC) section of the executable module that contains symbols.

使用nm子命令获得符号的地址以及包含符号的可执行模块的Table Of Contents (TOC)部分。

The final function I want to address in the Effects module is both the coolest and the most error-prone function.


Once the control comes to the address module from the default module, the execute method of the DisplayAddressInfoAction class performs the following tasks.
