Motivates students的意思

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Motivates students的网络释义

可有效提升学习动机 ... Motivates You 激发你 Motivates students 可有效提升学习动机 What motivates you 你的动力是什么 ; 你的动机是什么 ...

Motivates students的例句

So free story writing, with its unique advantages, motivates students in learning and improves their writing ability by providing various interesting topics and free writing Spaces.


At the individual level, a sense of social responsibility motivates us college students to acquire as much knowledge as possible and put it into practice.


But looking at feedback from more than 65,000 alumni, gathered annually by the Financial Times since the third Global MBA ranking in 2001, what motivates MBA students is getting a better job.


It is proved by practices that the experiment not only motivates initiative and creativity of students, but also promotes teaching quality.


It has already been a well accepted fact from the literature that formative assessment motivates, monitors, and modifies students 'learning process.
