Nearby Friends的意思

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Nearby Friends的网络释义

附近好友 内容摘要:Facebook在其移动端推出了一项名为“附近好友”(Nearby Friends)的新功能,旨在为Facebook用户提供更多与好友碰面的机会,以增强人们在现实生活中的联系。

附近朋友 来自美国媒体消息,Facebook于近日推出了一项名为“附近朋友(Nearby Friends)”的新功能,这项功能口收集用户的位置数据,为广告主提供服务。

Nearby Friends的短语

1、 Circle - Nearby Friends Chat 周围人聊天

2、 Circle-Nearby Friends Chat 和周围人聊天

3、 Find Friends Nearby 寻找附近好友 ; 查找四周挚友

Nearby Friends的例句

In a few months, we may be complaining that our cellphones aren't automatically able to send messages to friends within a certain distance, letting them know we're nearby.


Your home is where your heart is - your friends and family may be nearby and years of memories reside here.


Odette Tawil, right, and friends at the Port of Alexandria, 1955. Beachgoers at the time would hire "cutters," sailboats that plied the waterfront, nearby beaches, and fishing spots.


The product is not unlike the popular Foursquare location-based service, and lets you “check-in” at a place and send a notification to your friends who are nearby.


Perkins, who had been having tea with friends nearby, witnessed the tragedy from the pavement, watching young women leap to their deaths from the upper floors.


You can also do group chats, or you can find new friends nearby to talk to.
