Neural Network Model的意思

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Neural Network Model的网络释义

神经网络模型 神经网络模型(neural network model,NNM)是以生物神经系统为基础的人工智能模型,具有并行分布处理能力、高度容错能力、分布存储及学习能力,因而能...

神经网络 利用神经网络预测头孢菌素C的生物合成_论文资源网 关键词:; 头孢菌素C;; 反向传播;; 神经网络;; 预测 [gap=586]KEY WORDS; Cephalosporin C;; Back propagation;; Neural network model;; Prediction

类神经网路模型 亦有人提议以人工智慧技术(Artificial intelligent techniques)[1]透过类神经网路模型(Neural Network Model)使入侵侦测系统能 自我学习,并自我成长,而不须如传统之signature-based IDS 以人工方式新增入侵特征 之Patten,最终目的是希望...

类神经网路模式 (1984,1986)所提,是一种类神经网路模式(neural network model)。

Neural Network Model的短语

1、 Artificial Neural Network Model 人工神经网络模型

2、 BP neural network model BP神经网络模型 ; BP神经网络

3、 bp artifical neural network model bp人工神经网络模型

Neural Network Model的例句

The RBF neural network model has better convergence ability and impending speed than the BP neural network model.


The recurrent neural network model based on projective operator is studied.


The design of adaptive controller for the chaotic neural network model reference is studied.


It is more accurate of the forecasting results by the composite gray neural network model than that by the only gray models by comparison.


To solve the leak detection and location problem in pipeline flux, we built neural network model based on the difference of leak wave and normal signal.


Perceptron is a kind of useful neural network model and can classify the classification of the detachable linearity correctly.
