New Medium Enterprises的意思

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New Medium Enterprises的网络释义

新媒体公司 在德国的 展会上,新媒体公司(New Medium Enterprises,NME)展示了它们的VMD 技术。

New Medium Enterprises的短语

1、 New Medium Enterprises Inc 新介质事业有限公司

New Medium Enterprises的例句

Other officials say that, on average, China's 20,000 large and medium-sized enterprises undertake fewer than five new development projects and generate only two and a half new products each year.


Multi-media artist, Elizabeth Anderson, Anderson Enterprises, discovered concrete as a new medium.


New-style SBR technologies will become the ideal processes for the domestic sewage treatment of medium and minor enterprises and cities.


There is a choice of a new company form to small and medium enterprises that do not issue stocks outwards with the formulation of South Africa Close Corporation Act.


It is hoped that the research can provide a few new thoughts to help small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises smoothly implement CRM that suitable for them.


Especially for small and medium enterprises, it would hope that through this new type of network platform to further develop.
