Normal Working Power的意思

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Normal Working Power的网络释义

正常功率 ... 机械外形尺寸/dimensions 启动功率/start up power 正常功率/normal working power ...

Normal Working Power的例句

Most switches have a standby power circuit, switching power supply in standby mode still oscillating, but the frequency of normal working hours than lower.


Quick and accurate fault location is the premise to rapidly isolate the fault and redelivery power supply, and it is important to the normal working of power networks.


By monitoring both voltage and power, the unit measures the normal working load, then calculates and sets an automatic shutdown point for detected power changes.


The elegant design guarantees that when the rotating device is running, the working power supply of the vibration motor is normal input and the knotting of the wires is prevented.

其中通过巧妙的 设计保证当转动机构通电转动时振动马达的工作电源可正常输入,不会产生导 线打结的情况。

The situation of working condition: the pressure drop up to 160-350 kg, and power plant systems are under the greatest pressure valves, flow rate is generally 30% of normal flow.

工况情况:压降达160 - 350公斤,是电站系统中承受压差最大的阀门,流量一般为正常流量的30%。