Other Air Pollutants的意思

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Other Air Pollutants的网络释义

其他废气排放 ...高达99 MPGe的耗能表现,让Leaf在图表上几乎「破表,而在温室气体 (Greenhouse Gases) 和其他废气排放 (Other Air Pollutants) 等环保指标上,纯电动驱动、零排放的Leaf也获得最高评价。

Other Air Pollutants的短语

1、 Other Major Air Pollutants 其他主要空气污染物

Other Air Pollutants的例句

These pollutants are called aerosols and they include soot as well as compounds of nitrogen and sulfur and other stuff into the air.


The current five-year plan, which contains few other numerical targets, envisages a 10% reduction in concentrations of the worst air pollutants and a 20% increase in energy efficiency over the period.


Activated Carbon: air purification, effectively discharge volatile organic compounds and dust in the air, smog, smell, formaldehyde and other pollutants.


Wind speed played a leading role and other meteorological factors also have some effect, which resulted from the influence of the meteorology on diffusion, transmission, elimination of air pollutants.

结合风速等气象要素对污染物扩散、 传输和清除进行的分析可知, 监测期间风速对污染物浓度分布起主导作用, 气压等其它气象状况对污染物浓度分布也有一定的影响。

Similarly, black carbon can in many places be managed under existing clean-air regulations, as can some other climate-changing pollutants.


They expect to discuss possible solutions for conflicts involving air pollutants among the three countries after consulting with each other to determine the level of air pollution.
