Personal Privacy Protection的意思

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Personal Privacy Protection的网络释义

人隐私保护 关键词:身份(Identity) 身份管理(Identity Management, IdM) 个人隐私保护 (Personal Privacy Protection) 电子政务(e-Government) 一、引言 身份及身份管理贯穿于我们日常生活的方方面面,诸如我们普通公民的身 份证号码、护照号码或...

Personal Privacy Protection的短语

1、 Online Personal Privacy Protection Act 在线个人隐私保护法案

Personal Privacy Protection的例句

In practice, there is no real difference between the protection of the right of personal information and privacy protection, only different name used.


This standard does not include participant identifier associated with the use of personal information security and privacy protection.


Firstly, the author introduces the legal protection of privacy and personal data in worldwide national laws, and offers some proposal about the legislation of personal data in our country.


The author concludes that the right to information privacy is the legal right basis ofthe personal data protection system through four layers.


Meeting the daily requests of people, the more attentions began to be paid to the protection of personal privacy.


In the end, strengthen the protection to personal information and the privacy.
