Product Value Model的意思

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Product Value Model的网络释义

产品价值模型 ... Product Value Chain 产品价值链 Added Product Value 增加产品价值 Product Value Model 产品价值模型 ...

Product Value Model的例句

Sales model depends on the choice of customer value, and customer value in turn depends on the degree of product differentiation and the maturity of customer.


The new model will make product creation and process value-added.


It gives the priority value of product a new calculation rules and presents a policyholder-oriented catalog segmentation model, makes it more suitable for marketing life insurance companies.


At prerequisite of rent capitalization and led by demand and scarcity, in this paper, we put forth an available land valuing model. A basic factor of the model is an index of product Value density.


Sensitivity Analysis is a technique that can determine which uncertainties in the inputs to a value model will produce the greatest effects on output — software product value.


A value model for a software product can be a formula or an algorithm that helps estimate the number of licenses that can be sold, at what price, over the product lifecycle.
