Pull out of the hole的意思

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Pull out of the hole的网络释义

起钻 ... project number工程项目编号 pull out of the hole起钻 pool description油藏描述 ...

Pull out of the hole的例句

GEORGE OSBORNE, Britain's finance minister, has been criticised for trying to pull the country out of its budgetary hole too quickly.

英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本(George Osborne)被指责太快试图将国家拉出预算深渊。

Two guards pull Bellick out of the hole.


They were sure they would pull out of hole with all the fish.


The only work for them to do today is to pull out of hole.


I don't pull cars out of the hole at night. At night I fill the hole wither water.


It is difficult to pull out the bolt with ordinary socket wrench that can not provide axial tension because of the bolt drilling hole deformation and the collapse of holes.
