Quantum dot display的意思

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Quantum dot display的网络释义

量子点显示器 ... 碳纳米管显示器(Carbon nanotubes) 量子点显示器(Quantum dot display) 干涉调制器显示器(Interferometric modulator display,IMOD) ...

Quantum dot display的例句

A quantum-dot display would work by arranging quantum dots that emit red, green and blue light in a grid-like pattern, and getting those dots to emit light directly.


They demonstrated an experimental quantum-dot display made of strips of red, green and blue dots on an array of special transistors that powered and controlled them.


Though QD Vision says a lot more work remains to be done before this display can be made commercially, it believes quantum-dot displays should end up being cheaper than OLED screens.

尽管QD Vision公司表示,在该显示器得以商业化之前还有大量的剩余工作要做,但它认为量子点显示器终将比有机发光两极管屏幕更便宜。