Relevant work experience的意思

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Relevant work experience的网络释义

相关工作经验评分 相关工作经验评分(Relevant work experience),2010留学用度下跌势没有否挡,加拿大技术移民政策。据懂.

相关工作经验 Relevant work experience 相关工作经验 ? Related technical training in the electronics/maintenance and computers在电子/维修和电脑方面接受过相关的技术培训 .

相关的工作经验 ... decide on a career change 决定更换职业/转行 relevant work experience 相关的工作经验 provide training 提供培训 ...

Relevant work experience的短语

1、 Gain relevant work experience 获得相关的工作经验

2、 Relevant Work Experience Priority 相关工作经验优先

3、 Relevant work experience preferred 有相关工作经验者优先

Relevant work experience的例句

In exceptional circumstances, applicants without a first degree will be considered on the basis of their relevant work experience and potential for benefiting from the programme.


Many organizations in this situation find that they can quickly gain the relevant experience by downloading a free EJB application server (such as jBoss, an oss product) and work with it first.


Other categories might include Relevant Work Experience, Volunteer Experience, Computer Skills, Publications, Activities, Language Skills and so on.


If you don't have relevant work experience, include any pertinent volunteer work, involvement in clubs, or other activities.


Present your key qualifications for the job,highlighting what is on your resume:job-related education and training;relevant work experience and related activities,interests,and qualities.


Even if the relevant experience was just a small percentage of your work, you can mention that job and then describe just the relevant parts of it.
